Living room

Open plan living room implies the sort of interior design wherein there aren’t walls that are built in the middle of the space. It is an open space that seems much bigger and gives a more inviting vibe and more space to move around easily. This style is becoming very popular when it comes to living rooms since they are supposed to be big and airy. There are many ways to make your living room look beautiful following this particular style since it gives you many opportunities like setting up different zones since there are no walls. You can even define these areas by levelling them differently.

A large space looks even more airy and spacious if the furniture in it is big and limited. Big sofa pieces and dining table along with chairs would give symmetry to the living room and would make it look big. Lots of small furniture would make the place look very busy and crowded. It would even create problems for people to walk around the living room easily.

Another thing to go along with open living rooms is light colors. Colors like white make the airy and free vibe even stronger. It makes the place look big. Dark colors seem to give a suffocating effect when it comes to the living room. You can add contrast though, by adding small materials like a small table or decorating items here and there.

You can create a corner. With the whole living room dedicated to seat people, there could be one corner that you decorate differently. It could have a piano, a book corner or anything else. To bring more attention to it, that corner of the wall could be painted a little different.

Make the space useful for multiple purposes. Open spaces can be used for different things. A living room can contain a place to sit, a place to dine and one to read books or watch television. Then, the furniture would be facing the TV.

You should keep the ceiling simple to keep the attention away from it. Even if you want it to stand out, you could just hang a big decorative piece on the ceiling in the middle of the room.

Color coordinated furniture always makes it seem like there is less furniture lying around and the place is spacious. So always try not to create any contrast when it comes to the main big furniture. It could always be created by adding small details later on.

Most importantly, leave space for a big glass wall or window that makes way for natural sunlight. If it is possible, then the living room gets a very light and airy vibe. It also makes the room well-lit and seem airier.

Always use oversized interior design pieces like big lamps. A big place requires big items to suit the place. A large painting on the wall can do wonders to change the vibe to a full artistic one.

All such methods and more make an open living room a success. A lot of things need to be taken care of to not mess up the open floor look. All this can be taken care of by the professional interior designers at our home interior company Definehomz. We keep up with the latest trends like open floor living rooms and do our best to make the best out of the situation. Our experienced interior designers have thousands of ideas to make such a space look beautiful and be functional along with it. Every inch is utilized and highlighted according to your choices. Choosing definehomz gets half of your work done right away.